Monday, December 10, 2007

New Guy, New Story

well, Im kinda over Wes, I really really really really like this guy, Jahmal....
but my mom is being such a butt about it...she says oh I want to see you happy
..but the thing is forbidding her to date the one she likes is forbidding her happiness
am I right?
This is all so frustratingly uncool and I'd like to give her a nice slap however, I'm not, but I really haven't smiled since saturday....and that really bugs me
She has no right to do that, and yes she is my mother but no! she cant be gone all my life and then expect to walk back in it and demand and forbid she's truly killing my slowly....
I'm Going Numb!
no show of emotion anymore I love to smile! jahmal said he thought the best feature about me was my's kinda gone now.....and I know I really shouldnt let this bother me but it does so I'm signing off till next month
Happy Holidays!


Monday, September 24, 2007

I did it!

I did it!
yes I did I finnaly asked Wes to my homecoming
seeing how he could'nt ask me to go with him, he's homeschooled and taking classes at a nearby college, and well he didn't give me a definate yes or a definate no not really even an answer but hey he did want to know why I was afraid to ask him.
I really like this guy and I dont know how he feels about me so yea I was scared. But hey I asked him as friends and maybe he'll say yes if not I guess I can still go, dateless isnt a bad thing I had a blast last year when I went stag. No biggie. I was just hoping that maybe my 'friends' could meet the guy I've been talking about for so long. I mean I really do like him. he has awesomely amazing blue eyes and his smile makes me melt I guess I'm being all mushy so i shall shut up about him. Except about my dream, a friend who knows Wes cause she goes to church with me told me she had a dream about me the night before[she was telling me this during church] and Wes was in it and then this past Friday night I had a dream about him too.
my friends dream was really wierd and impossible cause she dreamied Iwas pregnant and I'm not having my own kids I will be adopting. so yea.
I'm extremely bored and im completely rambling on.
so Im just gonna stop and go checkout a couple websites

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

My, Oh, My

Ok, so yesterday Chels wouldn't stop bugging me about Wes, I could've slapped her but I didn't
I mean I was in church. Everytime he would pass by me she would make kissy faces and say "go say hi to your b/f" Wes and I aren't dating, probably never will. Too Too many differences, he's smart, me, not so much. But hey we both know 2 semesters of spanish.
Life is good right now I guess...theres not much to it, I just daydream all day when I'm not helping mommy clean or I'm not reading. Im dangerous when I daydream..hehe.
Anyways Im going to the beach sometime soon and school starts the Wed. after I get back.
haha Boredness kills
Im looking forward to seeing my friends and all but hey I feel as if I've grown apart from them
I love them I do, without them all these years, well I shudder to think of it.
Im gonna stop typing because my fingers are getting frostbitten by this A/C

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Undecided On Title

We haven't met because of a difference,
You don't know me because you're famous and I'm not
I wish I was,
It's been my life long dream
And at night when I dream of you it's like that doesnt matter
I feel like I've known you forever
Even if we haven't met
But only in my dreams
Everything abut you is mesmorizing
You have a smile that makes me smile
And your voice is just amazing
I would love to meet you but then I'd probably faint
I know it woulod sound bad to say I love you but
I do

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Make Some Noise

I am so bored it's not even funny I was listening to my HM2 soundtrack but my cousin turned it off cause she said that it was scaring Sophie. Myspace is getting boring and I hate it. haha. Well I got up early again to go feed Shadow and i put Gingers flymask on her today...then my cousins re-did it cause they weren't sure it it was too tight or not.

Im kinda sleepy but I guess thats the weather...its all overcast and dismally rainy. Im waiting for my mom to call me and let me know how her eye surgery went to see if we can go to the lake tomorrow. I hope we can but I dont know because it all depends on what her doctor said.

I also talked to her last night about going on our usual vacation to Myrtle beach like we do every summer she has told me everything from we are going, to we're going to wait until after August but I dont know what she'll tell me next.

I just tried to go to because I wanted to see if it had Mileys tour dates and where she'd be cause I had an awesome idea...from where Im babysitting my cousins Im getting paid and I was going to use that money to get me and my oldest cousin tickets to one of her concerts if they where anywhere near here, I mean Ive already talked to my aunt about it.

I am so excited about today! Bing is supposed to be here soon, well not where I am but back in the state and he said he's call me when he got here we may get to hang out!

I am so happy and so exstatic to see him, he left without saying goodbye, I wonder if he knew I had a crush on him last year? haha I dont anymore but I miss him like crazy and tlaking to him on IM almost everyday makes me so happy


I mean I love to talk to him he's so funny and I cant wait to see him

&& yea I know I sound so repetative[I think thats how you spell it] but I dont care


So yea Im bored to the maxx


I have a major problem

Im obsessed with people


and I love to talk but at the moment my IM is being mean to me

and not working


so I gave up on it and so yea

Im hyper and I have a song stuck in my head

what song? you ask

why, its Rock Star from the HM2 soundtrack

Wow, I have a feeling that this is my longest post ever and I havent really been typing very long either and I feel like talking about my trip to AZ this summer cause I really dont know whatelse to type and Im really bored so I want to type


About my trip from begining to end:

Ok so Friday June 8th we[me, Chels,Daddy,Nanny,Papa, and Taylor] headed out from my house at about 12:37 in the after noon and my papa drove us to Charlotte-Douglas[I think] Airport, well it took a minute after my gramma was talking to customer service to realize that we had to go upstairs to go through security and baggage check-in and everything well when we went through all that we went through security which was ok we got to the airport at about 3 or 4 and our plane was supposed to take off at 7:15 so we got through TSA and we[Chels and me ] walked around while nanny sat at our gate then we found out our flight got delayed then the gate changed and then it got delayed again the gate changed about 10:28 we boarded the plane[I was so nervous and scared...first plane trip and I am chlostrophobic] and Jason this really nice guy who was really cool was in the same zone as I was in let me walk on the plane with him cause I was in zone 3 and my gramma was in 7 and Chels was in 5 so we get on the plane the pilot comes over the loudspeaker and tells us that we'll be backing out of the gate as soon as they put gas in the plane well we start to back away then we stop and by that time its about 11:38 and we're all restless and wanting to get going then the pilot came over the loudspeaker again and told us that they were looking for a replacement pilot then they couldnt find one and our flight was cancelled I had to call Yvonne and tell her about what was going on and we got off the plane and tried to get a new flight well I had to deal with Yvonne and she was all "this is not acceptable and Im telling you to say that out loud to yell it" and I was like Id rather not then she was all like yea you're right dont do that. and I was holding my grammas and my sisters carry-on along with mine standing in line holding our place so they could go find someone to help her[my sis] with her insulin so I was standing there with Jason in the line and he called his wife to get some number for the airline and then Chels came back to the line where I was and told me to get the stuff and I struggled to pic it all up and follow her Jason asked her where she was going and she told him we found a way to get another flight out where there was nobody, no-lines or anything so he said once we got done to come and get him and when we got there I had to call my daddy to make sure it was ok with him if we got a connceting flight from Denver to Phoenix cause the next direct flight from Charlotte was alreadyoverbooked so we took that flight the next day after getting in our hotel room at 3:30 and loosing 1 of the 4 bags we had with us so then we got out the next day smoothly, Thank God! but then we get to Phoenix they lost our other 3 when we got back our 1 and that made me so mad cause if I didnt get it I couldnt go see my friend who moved and it was so well..blehh and I wasnt so happy but I got over it and we went to 5&Diner and then back to Yvonnes house and went to bed..well actually I stayed up till about 5 something a.m. then when I woke up we had our suitcases and I was so happy cause I had all my favorite clothes in it then I went to stay with my friend when I got back we packed and went to the Grand Canyon then through the painted desert it was amazing and I had such a great time but boy was I glad to get home to see my daddy I missed him alot!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Theres only so much Hannah Montana a girl can take!
I love the show and I rented "popstar profile" for my cousins cause they dont have cable and they like the show well yesterday it was just my youngest cousin until the oldest got back, we watched it yesterday over and over again "people who use people" was played like 4 times in a row....I mean and now both of them are watching it I mean I love the show alot more than words can express ive just seen all these episodes alot...I mean I do have cable and try to watch it everytime it comes on if Im home,
and at the moment Im sitting here chatting with my sis on IM and listening to "Good Golly Miss Dolly" ha ha but I had a busy morning kinda and I only woke up an hour ago... the youngest woke me up this morning telling me we needed to go feed her calf..Shadow..which she is so adorable and has gorgeous blue eyes then we had to go put a flymask on her horse then we got back and I made them their breakfast and we watched Hannah Montana now Im typing
I have a feeling this summer will be an amazing and an experiance filled one
I have done alot to help out my aunt and uncle and I love it so much!
Well Im going to go wash the dishes

Monday, July 9, 2007

So Im really bored and waiting for Bing to call me
I miss talking to him on IM
but yea
just for the record I have no clue what Im doing with my profile I feel so stupid cause I have like no idea what Im doing so for the record Im 15 years my birthday is june 12 and yea
I get bored easily
just another pointless post cause I really dont kno of anyone reading this so yea